
Date & Address of Expiry 有效日期與地點

1.valid in···for negotiation until ···在······議付至······止

2.draft(s)must be presented to the negotiating(or drawee)bank not later than ···彙票不得遲于······交議付行(受票行)

3.expiry date for presention of documents······交單滿期日

4.draft(s)must be negotiated not later than ···彙票要不遲于······議付

5.this L/C is valid for negotiation in China(or your port)until 15th,July 1977 本證于1977年7月15日止在中國議付有效

6.bills of exchange must be negotiated within 15 dayw from the date of bills of lading but not later than August 8,1977 彙票須在提單日起15天內議付,但不得遲于1977年8月8日

7.this credit remains valid in China until 23rd May,1977(in-clusive) 本證到1977年5月23日爲止,包括當日在內在中國有效

8.expiry date August 15.1977 in country of beneficiary for negotiation 于1977年8月15日在受益人國家議付期滿

9.draft(s)drawn under this credit must be presented for negotiation in China on or before 30th August,1977 根據本證項下開具的彙票須在1977年8月30日或該日前在中國交單議付

10.this credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficairy's drafts after 15th August,1977 本證將在1977年8月15日以後停止議付受益人之彙票

11.expiry date 15th August,1977 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise 除非另有規定,(本證)于1977年8月15日在職受益人國家滿期

12.draft(s)drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before August 12,1977 after which date this credit expires 憑本證項下開具的彙票在1977年8月12日或該日以前在中國議付,該日以後本證失效


14.···if negotiation on or befor···在······日或該日以前議付

15.negotiation must be on or bcfore the 15th day of shipment 自裝船日起15天或之前議付

16.this credit shall remain in force until 15th August 1977 in China 本證到1977年8月15日爲止在中國有效

17.the credit is available for negotiation or payment abroad until···本證在國外議付或付款的日期到······爲止

18.documents to be presented to negotiation bank within 15 days after shipment 單據需在裝船後15天內交給議付行

19.doocuments must be presented for negotiation within···days after the on board date of bill of lading/after the date of issuance of forwarding agents'cargo receipts 單據需在已裝船提單/運輸行簽發之貨物承運收據日期後······天內提示議付

十五、The Guarantee of the Opening Bank 開證行付款保證 1.we hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored 我行保證及時對所有根據本信用證開具、並與其條款相符的彙票兌付

2.we undertake that drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honoured 開具並交出的彙票,如與本證的條款相符,我行保證依時付款

3.we hereby engage with the drawers,endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s)drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such drafffft(s)shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified(if drawn and negotiated with in the validity date of this credit)凡根據本證開具有與本證條款相符的彙票,並能按時提示和交出本證規定的單據,我行保證對出票人、背書人和善意持有人承擔付款責任(須在本證有效期內開具彙票並議付)

4.provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit,we hereby engage with the drawers,endorsors and bona-fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation 凡根據本證的條款開具並提示彙票,我們擔保對其出票人、背書人和善意持有人在交單時承兌付款

5.we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit 所有按照本條款開具的彙票,我行保證總付

十六、Special Conditions 特別條款 1.for special instructions please see overleaf 特別事項請看背面

2.at the time of negotiations you will be paid the draft amount less 5% due to··· 議付時彙票金額應少付5%付給······ (注:這種條款是開證對議付行的指示)

3.which amount the negotiation bank must authorise us to pay 該項金額須由議付行授權我行付給 (注:指傭金的金額)

4.if the terms and conditions of this credit are not acceptable to you please contact the openers for necessary amendments 如妳方不接受本證條款,請與開證人聯系以作必要修改

5.negotiations unrestricted/restricted to advising bank 不限制議付行/限于通知行

6.(the price)including packing charges (價格)包括包裝費用

7.all documents must be separated 各種單據須分開(即聯合單證不接受)

8.beneficiary's drafts are to be made out for 95% of invoice value,being 5% commission payable to credit opener 受益人的彙票按發票金額95%開具,5%傭金付給開證人

9.drafts to be drawn for fullCIFvalue less 5% commission,invoice to show fullCIFvalue 彙票CIF總金額減少5%開具發票須表明CIF的全部金額

10.5% commission to be remitted to credit openers by way of bank drafts in sterling pounds drawn on···this commission not to be showed on the invoice 5%傭金用英磅開成以······爲付款人的銀行彙票彙付給開證人,該傭金勿在發票上注明

11.freight and charges to be showed on bill of lading etc. 提單等(單據)須標明運費及附加費

12.cable copy of shipping adivce despatched to the accountee immediately after shipment 裝船後,即將裝船通知電報副本寄交開證人

13.one copy of commercial invoice and packing list should be sent to the credit openers 15 days before shipment 商業發票和裝箱單各壹份須在裝船前15天寄給開證人

14.the beneficiary is to cable Mr.···stating L/C NO.,quantity shipped,name & ETD of vessel within 5 days after shipment,a copy of this cable must accompany the documents for negotiation 受益人應在裝船後五天內將信用證號碼、裝船數量、船名和預計開航日期電告······先生,該電報的副本須隨同單據壹起議付

15.all documents except bills of exchange and B/Lading to be made out in name of A.B.C.Co.Ltd. and which name is to be shownin B/Lading as joint notifying party with the applicant 除彙票和提單外,所有單據均須作成以A.B.C.有限公司爲擡頭,並以該公司和申請人作爲提單的通知人

16.signed carbon copy of cablc required 要求(提供)經簽署的電報副本

17.both shipment and validity dates of this credit shall be automatically extended for 15 days at the date of expiry 本證的裝船有效期均于到期日自動延展15天

18.amount of credit and quantity of merchandise···% more or less acceptable 證內金額與貨物數量均可增減······%

19.credit amount and shipment quantity···% more or less allowed 證內金額與裝運數量允許增減······%

20.shipment samples to be sent direct by airmail to buyer before shipment 裝運前須將裝船貨樣直接航寄買方

21.cable accountee name of steamer/carriage number,quantity of goods and shipment date(or E.T.A.)將船名/車號、貨物數量及裝船期(或預抵期)電告開證人

22.all banking charges outside Hongkong are for account of accountee 香港以外的全部銀行費用由開證人負擔

23.drawee Bank's charges and acceptance commission are for buyer's account 付款行的費用和承兌費用由買方負擔

24.port congestion surcharge,if any,is payable by openers in excess of this documentary credit amount against evidence 如果有港口擁齊費,超過本金額部分憑證明由開證人支付

25.amount of this credit may be exceeded by cost of insurance 本證金額可以超過保險費部分

26.this letter of credit is transferable in China only,in the event of a transfer,a letter from the first beneficiary must accompany the documents for negotiation 本信用證僅在中國可轉讓,如實行轉讓,由第壹受益人發出的書面(證明)須連同單據壹起議付

27.letter of guarantee and discrepancies are not acceptable 書面擔保和錯誤單據均不接受

28.admixture 5% max.including organic matter such as weed and inorganic 雜質最高5%,包括有機物(如雜草)和無機物

29.include this symbol"丹"in the shipping marks on each side of the carton(that is four markings in one carton) 包含有"丹"字記號的裝船唛頭刷在紙箱的每壹面(即每個紙箱要刷四個唛頭

十七、In Reimbursement 索償文句 1.instruction to the negotiation bank 議付行注意事項

(1)the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank 每份彙票的議付金額和日期必須由議付行在本證背面簽注

(2)this copy of credit is for your own file,please deliver the attached original to the beneficaries 本證副本供妳行存檔,請將隨附之正本遞交給受益人

(3)without your confirmation thereon (本證)無需妳行保兌

(4)documents must be sent by consecutive airmails 單據須分別由連續行次郵寄(注:即不要將兩套單據同壹航次寄出)

(5)all original documents are to be forwarded to us by air mailand duplicates by sea-mail

(6)please despatch the first set of documents including three copies of commercial invoices direct to us by registered airmail and the second set by following airmail 請將包括3份商業發票在內的第壹套單據用挂號航郵徑寄我行,第二套單據在下壹次航郵寄出

(7)original documents must be sent by Registered airmail,and duplicate by subsequent airmail 單據的正本須用挂號航郵寄送,副本在下壹班航郵寄送

(8)documents must be sent by successive(or succeeding)airmails 單據要由連續航郵寄送

(9)all documents made out in English must be sent to our bank in one lot 用英文繕制的所有單據須壹次寄交我行

2.method of reimbursement 索償辦法

(1)in reimbursement,we shall authorize your Beijing Bank of China Head Office to debit our Head Office RMB Yuan account with them,upon receipt of relative documents 償付辦法,我行收到有關單據後,將授權妳北京總行借記我總行在該行開立的人民幣帳戶

(2)in reibursement draw your own sight drafts in sterling on···Bank and forward them to our London Office,accompanied by your certificate that all terms of this letter of credit have been complied with 償付辦法,由妳行開出英鎊即期彙票······銀行支取。在寄送彙票給我倫敦辦事處時,應隨附妳行的證明,聲明本證的全部條款已經履行

(3)available by your draft at sight payable by us in London on the basis to sight draft on New York 憑妳行開具之即期彙票向我行在倫敦的機構索回票款,票款在紐約即期兌付

(4)in reimbursement,please claim form our RMB ¥ account held with your banking department Bank of China Head Office Beijing with the amount of your negotiation 償付辦法,請在北京總行我人民幣帳戶中索回妳行議付之款項

(5)upon presentation of the documents to us,we shall authorize your head office backing department by airmail to debit the proceeds to out foreign business department account 壹俟向我提交單證,我行將用航郵授權妳總行借記我行國外營業部帳戶

(6)after negotiation,you may reimburse yourselves by debiting our RMB¥ account with you,please forward all relative documents in one lot to us by airmail 議付後請借記我行在妳行開立的人民幣帳戶,並將全部有關單據用航郵壹次寄給我行

(7)all bank charges outside U.K. are for our principals account,but must claimed at the time of presenntation of documents 在英國境外發生的所有銀行費用,應由開證人負擔,但須在提交單據時索取

(8)negotiationg bank may claim reimbursement by T.T. on the ···bank certifying that the credit terms have been complied with 議付行須證明本證條款已履行,並按電彙條款向······銀行索回貨款

(9)negotiating bank are authorized to reimburse themselves to amount of their negotiation by redrawing by airmail at sight on···bank attaching to the reimbursement draft their certificate stating that all terms of the credit have been complied with and that the original and duplicate drafts and documents have been forwarded to us by consecutive airmail 授權議付行用航郵向······銀行重開壹份即期彙票索取議付之貨款。索償彙票須附上證明,聲明本證所有條款已履行,彙票及單據的正副本已由連續航次寄交我行