1. We'd like to order your products. We'll send our official order today. 我們想訂妳們的貨,今天會寄上正式的訂單。
2. Did you get our order for your telephones? 妳是否收到了我們訂電話機的訂單?
3. We've noticed that your orders have been falling off lately, haven't you? 我們發現貴公司的訂單最近逐漸減少了,對嗎?
4. That's because we have switched to made-up goods market. 那是因爲我們轉向成衣生意的緣故。
5. Is there anything I can book for you now? 目前有什麽我可以代您訂購的嗎?
6. Now we can order from you only tungsten products. 現在我們能向妳訂購的只有鎢制品。
7. Can you let me have the name and quantities? 妳可以告訴我貨名和數量嗎?
8. Unless you order in March, we won't be able to deliver in June. 除非妳方三月訂貨,否則我們無法6月送貨。
9. I'm ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland. 我准備向妳們訂貨,但是唯壹的條件是,貨物只限賣給芬蘭的公司。
10. Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless. 前寄樣品必須在8月底以前到達倫敦,否則所訂貨物都將無效。
11. Can we make a change on order No. 29734? 我們可以修改壹下29734號訂單嗎?
12. We want to increase the number of AR-26s on order No. 99725? 我們想增加99725號訂單上AR-26的數量。